The Torah (The Law of Moses) Tor.
The Ketuvim (Writings) Historical/Poetical
Books, Ket., Ktvm.
Part II: The Renewed Covenant (New
Testament), R.C. |
Alphabet |
Glossery |
Admor: |
Hebrew initials for: Adonenu Morenu VeRabenu (Our master, Our teacher our Rabbi). This is a title commonly used with Chassidic Rebbes. Admor of Ger, Admor of Satmer etc. |
Akeida: |
1. Hebrew literally ‘binding’ Refers
to the binding
of Yitzchok on the altar. |
Alsheich: |
Jewish Biblical commentator
Moshe Al Sheich |
Am HaAretz: |
Hebrew means ‘people
of the land’
and refers to those who are ignorant
of the Torah. |
Amidah: |
Refers to the main silent
prayer said
standing |
Amora(Amoraim): |
Rabbis of the period
of the
Mishnah |
Amorah: |
Biblical city filled with wicked people Anshei Knesses |
HaGadolah: |
for Men
of the great assembly. |
Apikorsim: |
Heretics who reject the
teachings of
the Rabbis |
Ari Z’L: |
Hebrew initials of the words:
Rabbenu Yitzchok Zechorono LeVaracha
our master Rabbi Yitzchok. Better known
as Yitzchok
Luria the great 16th century Kabbalist
Aron Kodesh: |
Hebrew for ‘the holy
ark’ place in
the synagogue where the Torah scrolls
are kept.
avodah: Hebrew word meaning ‘service’. |
Avraham Aveinu: |
Hebrew name of Abraham
Baal Shem Tov: |
Founder of the Chassidic
movement |
Baal Tshuva (Baalei Tshuva): |
someone who is a repentant sinner.
Baal(es) Tzaddakah: |
Hebrew word meaning
philanthropist |
Bamidbar: |
Fourth book of the Torah.
Called in
English “Numbers” |
Bava Basra: |
Tractate of the Talmud
Bava Kama: |
Tractate of the Talmud
bechina(bechinos): |
a subdivision
of an *Inyan.
Every Inyan has many bechinos. |
Beis HaKnesses: |
Jewish house of worship
Beis HaMedrash: |
Jewish house of study
Beis HaMikdash: |
Heb. The Holy Temple
Beis Midrash: |
Jewish house of study
Bereishis: |
First book of the Torah.
Called Genesis
in English |
Betza: |
Tractate of the Talmud |
Brachos: |
Tractate of the talmud |
bris: |
Hebrew for circumcision |
bucharim: |
Hebrew/Yiddish for young
men who
are learning in a Yeshiva |
caftan: |
Type of long garment worn
by Chasidim |
Chas V’Shalom: |
Hebrew for ‘G-d forbid’
Chasid: |
Hebrew for a ‘pious person’
chason: |
Hebrew/Yiddish for a man
who is engaged to be married |
Chazal: |
Hebrew initials for: Chochmenu
Levaracha (Our sages of Blessed memory)
Used to
refer to Rabbis of the Talmud |
Cheder: |
School for young Jewish children
Chesed: |
Hebrew word meaning acts
of mercy |
Cheshvon: |
Eighth month of the hebrew calendar |
Chocham (Chochomim): |
Hebrew for ‘sage’
scholar |
Chol HaMoed: |
Intermediate days of
a holiday |
Chometz: |
Hebrew for leavening |
choson: |
Hebrew/Yiddish for groom
Chovos HaLavavos: |
a moralistic and
philosophical sefer |
Chozeh: |
Hebrew for seer (prophet).
Rebbe Yakov
Yitzchok of Lublin was called the
Chozeh because
of his *Ruach HaKodesh. |
Chukos: |
Weekly portion where the Torah is read from Bamidbar (Numbers) 19:1-22:1 |
daas: |
Hebrew word meaning knowledge |
Dayanim: |
Hebrew for judge. Refers to religious judges. |
Days of Awe: |
The days around the
holidays of
Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, so
called because
they are days of judgement. |
derech: |
Heb ‘way’ refers to a path
in serving
HaShem |
Devorim: |
Fifth book of the Torah.
Called in
English ‘Deuteronomy’. |
doven(davening): |
Yiddish for pray.
Drash: |
A method of Biblical interpretation
ascribing moral or ethical meaning to verses
in the
Torah. |
Eichah: |
The Hebrew name for the book
Lamantations |
Eliyahu HaNavi: |
Hebrew for the prophet
Elijah |
Elul: |
Sixth month of the Jewish year
Eruv: |
A legal act that causes different
to be considered as one. |
Eruvin: |
Tractate of the Talmud |
Eyov: |
The Hebrew name for the book
of Job |
gabbai: |
Hebrew for an attendant |
Gan Eden: |
Hebrew name for paradise
gematria: |
Numerical value of the
letters of the
Hebrew words |
Gemilos Chasadim: |
Hebrew word referring
acts of mercy. |
Ger Toshiv: |
A ‘partial’ convert who
agrees not
to worship idols |
Gitten: |
Tractate of the Talmud |
Gao: |
Hebrew title of one who is
an especially
learned scholar in Torah |
gehennim: |
Place where one is punished
for one’s
sins after death. The Talmud says
that except for
especially wicked souls, the normal
stay is up to one year. |
gematria: |
The numerical value of
the Hebrew
letters. |
Haftorah: |
A portion of the Tenach
read after the
Torah is read on Shabbos |
Haggadah: |
Sefer that relates the
story of the
Exodus from Egypt and other things
related to the
night of Pesach. |
HaKohen: |
Hebrew for ‘the Priest’
refers to
someone who is a direct paternal
descendant from
Aaron in the Torah |
halacha: |
Hebrew word meaning ‘law’
HaRav: |
The Rov (see Rov). |
HaRav HaKodesh: |
The Holy Rov (see
Rov) |
HaShem |
Noun used in place of G-d.
Lit. The
Name |
house bocher: |
Young man who lived
in the
house of a Rebbe and took care of
private matters
as needed. |
Hoshanah Rabbah: |
Last day of the
days of Succos. It is considered
to be similar to
Yom Kippur in that it is a time of
repentance. |
HY’D: |
Heb. HaShem Yimkom Domov: HaShem
should avenge their blood. |
Inyan: |
A spiritual concept or idea.
A general idea
as opposed to specifics. The specifics
would be
*bechinos. |
Ivdah: |
A story that shows or teaches
a specific
method of serving HaShem |
kallah: |
Hebrew/Yiddish for bride
Kavanah(Kavanos): |
Hebrew word for
‘intention’. |
Kesuvim: |
Third part of the Tenach.
Lit. Writings |
Kiddish: |
Ceremony performed on Friday
over a cup of wine. |
Koheles: |
One of the books of the
Tenach, called
in English Ecclesiastes. |
Kohen(Kohanim): |
Hebrew for ‘the Priest’
to someone who is a direct paternal
from Aaron in the Torah |
Kol Nidrei: |
First prayer of Yom KIppur
kol v’chomer: Inference from a thing
that is
lesser/lighter to a thing which is
stringent |
kosel marovi: |
Hebrew for Western Wall, the only remaining standing part of the Temple. |
kosher: |
Heb. fit. Refers to food
that is permitted
to eat. |
kvitel: |
A note with names given to
a Rebbe for
him to pray for these people |
L’Chaim: |
Refers to a custom of drinking
wishing L’Chaim - to life one to
the other |
machiton: |
Yiddish word that refers
to ones
child’s in-laws |
MaHarsha: |
Hebrew initials for : Moreinu
Shmuel Eliezer (our teacher Rabbi
Shmuel Eliezer)
a famous Talmud commentator |
Maggid: |
In Europe this was a person
who would
give sermons on moral subjects. Many
of the first
Rebbes were Maggidim (pl. of Maggid).
Malachi: |
One of the books of the
Tenach. |
Man: |
Hebrew for manna. The bread
that fell from
Heaven in the desert. |
mazel tov: |
Hebrew for ‘good luck’. Used for a wish of congratulations on various occasions |
matonos l’evyonim: |
Hebrew for gifts
to the
poor. One of the mitzvos of Purim.
Megilla: |
1. Tractate of the Talmud |
Megillas Esther: |
Hebrew for the book
of Esther |
melamed: |
Hebrew for a teacher of
young children |
Menuchos: |
Tractate of the Talmud
mesiros nefesh: |
Hebrew for self sacrifice
mezuzah: |
parchment with various portions
the Torah which is hung on the side
of the door. |
midah(midos: |
A character trait,
either good or
bad. |
midah kenegid midah: |
Heb. measure
measure |
Midrash: |
Rabbinical work with homiletic
interpretations |
Midrash Pleah: |
A specific Midrash
which contains Midrashic teachings that are
difficult to
understand. |
mikdash: |
Hebrew of temple, lit. place
of holiness |
mikvah: |
Hebrew word referring to a
ritual bath
used for purification |
Minchah: |
Name of the afternoon prayer
minyan: |
Group of Jewish men (at least
ten) who
have gathered for prayer. |
mishkan: |
Hebrew for tabernacle |
Mishleh: |
One of the books of the
Tenach, called
in English Proverbs. |
Mishloach Monos: |
Hebrew for the sending
delicacies. One of the mitzvos of
Purim. |
Mishnah: |
An ancient Jewish work made
of specific laws. |
Mispor Katon: |
Type of gematria where
the value
of the letters is added.
For example 26= 2 + 6 = 8. |
Mitzrayim: |
Hebrew name for the land
of Egypt |
mitzvah(mitzvos): |
One of the commandments
of the Torah. |
mohel: |
Hebrew/Yiddish word for the
person who
performs a circumcision |
Mori: |
Hebrew for my teacher. |
Moshe Rabbeinu: |
Hebrew for Moses
teacher. A common Jewish way of referring
Moses. |
Moshiach: |
Heb. Messiah |
Motzeh Shabbos: |
Hebrew for Saturday
night |
musar: |
Hebrew for moral instruction.
nashama: |
Hebrew word for soul. |
Neviium: |
Second part of the Tenach.
Lit. Prophets |
niggunim: |
Hebrew for songs. Usually
used to
refer to tunes composed and sung
by Chasidim
and their Rebbes. |
Nissan: |
First month of the Hebrew calendar |
O’H: |
Hebrew initials for the words:
Olav HaShalom
(may he rest in peace) |
Orach Chaim: |
One of 4 sections of
the Shulchan
Aruch. This deals with the laws that
apply to each
person on a daily basis, throughout
the year. |
Or HaChaim: |
Jewish Torah commentary
Parah: |
Tractate of the Mishnah |
Parsha (Parshos): |
lit. ‘portion’
refers to the
portion of the Torah read each week.
Parshas HaChodesh: |
Special Parsha
of the
Torah read on the Shabbos before
the first of the
month of Nissan. |
Parshas Porah: |
Special Parsha of
the Torah read
the Shabbos after Purim. |
payyut: |
A type of prayer similar
to a poem said
on Jewish holidays |
Peah: |
Tractate of the Mishnah |
Pesach: |
Hebrew for Passover |
Pesachim: |
One of the Tractates of
the Talmud |
peshat: |
A method of Biblical interpretation
on finding the simple meaning in
the Torah. |
posek: |
A verse in the Torah or Tenach
Pilishtim: |
Hebrew for Philistines
pilpul (pilpulim): |
Method of learning
involves hair-splitting logic. |
Pirkei Avos: |
A Tractate of the Mishnah
Rambam: |
Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon also
Maimonides |
Ramban: |
Rabbi Nachman ben Moshe,
also called
Nachmanides |
Rashi: |
The primary commentary on
the Tenach. |
Rav: |
An official rabbi who renders legal decisions. Many of the Rebbes were both a Rebbe of Chasidim, and the Rov of the city in which they lived. |
Reb: |
A title added to a persons name as a sign of respect. |
Rebbe: |
Leader of a Chassidic group or a teacher |
Rebbe Reb: |
A title added to a few special Rebbes as a sign of their higher spiritual stature. |
remez: |
A method of Biblical interpretation based on finding hints in the Torah for various concepts. |
Rosh HaShanah: |
1. Heb. New Year Holiday at the beginning
of the year. |
Rov: |
see Rav |
Ruach HaKodesh: |
Heb spirit of holiness. Refers to one who can see events, and understand things that are not apparent to the human eye. |
Rus: |
Hebrew name the book of Ruth
amech Mem: |
Two Hebrew letters from the traditional name of the angel also called Satan. They are used instead of the name itself. |
Sanhedrin: |
Tractate in the Talmud |
Seder: |
Meal eaten the night of Passover
the Exodus from Egypt is remembered.
sefer(seforim): |
A Jewish religious
book. |
Sefer Yitzerah: |
Hebrew Kabbalistic
work. |
Seferah: |
The mitzvah of counting
the days from
Pesach to Shevous |
Segal: |
Hebrew for ‘Segan L’Kohen’
assistant to
the priest. refers to one who is
of the tribe of
Levi. |
Shabbos: |
1. Tractate in the Talmud
Shabbos Chazon: |
Shabbos before Tisha
B’Av |
Shabbos Hefsakah: |
The Shabbos between
Shabbos Shekalim and Shabbos Zachor.
Shabbos Nachmu: |
Shabbos after Tisha
B’Av |
Shabbos Shekalim: |
Shabbos before
the 1st of
Adar |
Shabbos Tshuva: |
Shabbos between Rosh
HaShanah and Yom Kippur |
Shabbos Zachor: |
Shabbos before the
holiday of
Purim |
Shalom Bayis: |
Hebrew phrase referring
peaceful relations between husband
and wife |
Shechina: |
Hebrew word denoting the
presence. |
Shekalim: |
See Shabbos Shekalim |
Shemos: |
Second book of the Torah.
Exodus in English |
sheiner yid: |
Yiddish phrase referring to a Jew who considers himself better then others. |
Sheolos v’Tshuvos: |
Heb. Questions
and Answers. This refers to Jewish scholarly
books which
are based on legal questions asked
of Rabbis and
their answers. |
Shevous: |
Jewish holiday |
Shemini Atzeres: |
Eighth day of the
holiday of
Succos. it is a holiday for itself
y 50 days after
Pesach |
Shema: |
Main Jewish prayer of the
confession of faith. Contains 3 parshas. Devorim
6.5-9; 11.13-21 and Bamidbar 15.37-41 |
Shemos: |
The second book of the Torah.
Called in
English Exodus. |
Shevi’i Shel Pesach: |
Seventh day
of the
holiday of Pesach |
Shir HaShirim: |
Hebrew name for the
Song of
Songs |
Shir HaShirimRabbah: |
Rabbinic Midrash
Song of Songs |
Shlah: |
Jewish scholarly commentary
on the
Torah, and Jewish holidays by Rabbi
Horowitz |
Shlita: |
Hebrew Initials for the words:
L’Aruch Yomim Tovim Amen. (He should
have a
good long life amen) |
Shmuel: |
Hebrew name of the book of
Samuel |
shochet: |
Hebrew word for a person
who performs ritual slaughter of animals.
Shofar: |
A ram’s horn blown on Rosh
HaShanah |
shtender: |
A stand of lectern, where
books were
placed during learning, or where
a prayer book was
placed by prayers. |
Shul: |
Yiddish name for a synagogue
Shulchan Aruch: |
15th/16th century
book of
Jewish law |
Siddur: |
Jewish prayer book. |
Sifrei: |
Midrashic work on Devorim
Simchas Torah: |
Second day of Shemini
(in Israel there is only a single
day), where one
celebrates the completion of the
readings of the
Torah for that year. |
Slichos: |
Penitential prayers said
on the days
before Rosh HaShanah and Yom KIppur
sod: |
A method of Biblical interpretation
based on
describing secret teachings in the
Torah. |
Sodom: |
Biblical city filled with
wicked people |
Sota: |
A tractate of the Talmud |
strakes: |
Strips of velvet sown into
the garments
of some of the Rebbes, or great Rabbis.
Succos: |
Holiday after Yom Kippur
where people
sit in booths |
Sukkah: |
One of the tractates of the
Talmud |
Taanis: |
One of the tractates of the
Talmud. |
Talis(talesim): |
A special garment
that is used to
cover a person in prayer. |
talmidei: |
Hebrew for ‘disciples of’
Talmid (Talmidim): Disciples of a
Rebbe. |
Talmud: |
An ancient work of Jewish
law. |
Talmud Chocham |
Hebrew for Talmud sage, refers to
one who is
learned in Jewish legal texts. |
Tanna(Tannaim): |
Rabbis of the Talmud
Tanya: |
Important chassidic work By
Shneur Zalman of Liadi. |
Targum Onkeles: |
Aramaic translation
of the
Torah by Onkeles |
Taz: |
One of the major commentators
on the
Shulchan Aruch |
techalis: |
thread of blue wool attached
to a talis |
Tehillim: |
Hebrew name for Psalms.
Tekunei Zohar: |
The most esoteric
section of
the Zohar |
Tenach: |
First letters from the three
words: Torah, Neviium, Kesuvim, which
are the
divisions of the jewish Bible. Torah
is the first five
books, Neviium are the prophetic
works and
Kesuvim are the other books. |
tephilin: |
Special boxes that contain
passages of
the Torah which are worn by men in
daily prayer. |
terumah: |
Hebrew word for offering
Tisha B’Av: |
9th day of the month
of Av, a major
fast day |
Tisch: |
Yiddish for ‘table’ Refers
to a meal eaten
by a Rebbe with his Chasidim |
Tishrei: |
Seventh Month of the Hebrew
calendar |
Torah: |
a. First 5 books of the Jewish Bible
Tosephos: |
commentary on the talmud
by the
talmidim of Rashi |
Tshuva: |
Hebrew word for repentance
Three Weeks: |
Period of time from
17 of
Tammuz to 9 of Av |
Tzaddakah: |
Hebrew for charity |
Tzaddekus: |
righteous women |
Tzaddik (Tzaddikim): |
lit. Righteous.
name for a Chassidic Rebbe. |
tzitzis: |
Strands that hang from the
corners of a
talis |
V’yikra: |
Hebrew for the book of Leviticus
Yakov: |
Hebrew for Jacob |
Yakov Aveinu: |
Hebrew for ‘our father
jacob’ |
Yavatz: |
Hebrew initials for Yaakov
ben Tzvi.
Name of Rabbi Yaakov Emden |
Yechzkel: |
Hebrew name for the book
of Ezekiel |
Yehoshua: |
Hebrew for Joshua |
Yerushalmi: |
Talmud that was compiled
in Pales
tine as opposed to the standard one
that was
compiled in Babylonia called the
Bavli |
Yeshaya: |
Hebrew name for book of
Isaiah |
Yeshiva: |
School for older boys |
Yetzer: |
lit. Inclination. It is Jewish
belief that
every Jew has both an evil and good
within him, that are at ‘war’ to
see which of them
the person will follow. |
Yetzer HaRah: |
Heb. Evil Inclination.
Yetzer Tov: |
Heb. Good Inclination
Yirmiya: |
Hebrew name for the book of Jeremiah |
Yitzchok: |
Hebrew for Isaac |
YM’Sh: |
Heb. Yimach Shimoh V’Zichro : Their name should be erased Yom Kippur: The Day of Atonement, the most holy day of the Jewish year. |
Yom Suf: |
Hebrew ‘sea of reeds’. |
Yom Tov: |
Hebrew name for ‘holiday’
Yortzheit: |
Yiddish for the day of
the anniversary
of a death |
Z’L: |
Hebrew initials of the words:
LeVaracha (His memory is a blessing.)
Zachor: |
See Shabbos Zachor |
Zemeros: |
sefer of songs sung on various
occasions |
Zohar: |
Hebrew/Aramaic Rabbinical
work that is one of the most important
for Kabbalah, and was very influential
Chasidim |
Zohar Chadash: |
Literally ‘new Zohar’.
A section
of the Zohar. |
ZT’L: |
Hebrew initials of the words:
Zechor |
ZTvK’L: |
Hebrew initials of the words:
Tzaddik veKadosh LeVaracha (The memory
of a
Tzaddik - Righteous man and a Kodosh
- a holy man is a blessing) |
ZY’A: |
Hebrew initials for Zechiso
Yugan Aleini, His
merit should protect us |
volker doormann - 2006.06.06