Beyond The Slavery Of Religions
Symbolism is a language of the soul.
Symbols are figures of hidden, holy, secret meanings, not to grasp
easy by the intellectual educated mind. Some of these hidden, holy,
secret symbols are still hidden, holy and secret until today,
respected by atheists as well as by skeptics. The reason is very
simple; it is the respect to the ever-present holiness of living human
sexuality. It is the joy, humans are perceiving from it, that a
worship to it was respected to it in ancient times as well as it is
respected in our age. Along with this hidden, holy and secret
sexuality, there were always lacks of understanding about these
hidden, holy and secret symbols of sexuality. This blindness has
created phantoms, laws, idols, devils, and a lot of nonsense. From
this are 'created' dead things and misunderstood as holy, like books,
mountains, rivers, waters, lands, cities, houses, places or the stony
planets in the sky. The soul, that has an experience with the
sexuality perceived in the own body, perceives this not as a result of
books, science, or social laws; it is a very individual experience. No
church, no government, no professor and no father or mother can
replace and occupy the own experience of sexuality of an individual.
The experience is an explicit own experience, it needs no curious
belief system, and no curious infidelity system; the experience is.
Because of the respect to the hidden, holy and secret sexuality of
humans, a lot of confusion has taken place. The respect has results in
nebulous symbols of this object of sexuality instead of a clear -
clean - speech or clear - clean - words, and since ancient times
people have expressed their joy from sexuality in figures of myths
with symbols that hide the respectfully things in this way. Until
today a lot of people searching on the literal objects like idols or
gods, while the hidden meaning of symbols are rejected as
scientifically irrelevant and curious. But there are a lot of symbols
in the history of myths, which are misunderstood, and I think, it is
helpful to uncover some - respectfully.
All these things have abused
from stupid religious authorities for long time to suppress the holy
existence of the individual in all religions and to suppress the
knowledge - the strongest weapon against social power claims from
stupid religious authorities all over the world. The penis as holy instrument is also
worshiped in the Hindu culture as a tool of 'creation of life' using
the symbol of the Mt. Kailash, because of its form. The well known Hebrew AMEN
equal to the Sanskrit OMM which word has developed as one
can see fom this figure: The Sumerian word for woman is Shiva is preserved in the Hebrew
Genesis as chavvah ( =
eve ) ( “life-giver” ) as the
life together with the Hebrew chayim ("Life"). Because of the Sumerian writing the origin are picture symbols, we find, that gis or gish is a penis as well as a tree. The Sumerian word Nin_gish_zi_ da
means 'giving life from the penis’ but also ‘giving life from a
tree’. Nin_gish_zi_da is equal to ‘Du_mu_zi’, what is
known in Hebrew as Tammuz and means "son/man who is life".
The Sumerian gardener who does 'water the trees' is nu-gish-kiri
while the garden is Gish-Kiri with Ki, what means
(‘enki’ = ‘God of the earth’). A bird is also known in the Nordic tree of life called 'ask Yggdrasil’ as a friend of Odin who lives in the top of the tree Yggdrasil.
The worship of the holy female symbol
is a present ritual in Islam, but no one in Islam is really aware of
it. According to a preIslamic Tradition Muslim worship barefooted
a special object on the eastern corner of the Kaaba in Mecca. Gan Eden is the Hebrew garden of
joy, which is the female womb. What does the Akkadian word for hawk, falcon, kassűsu, mean? “Kassűssu(m) ‘(hunting-)falcon, old/young Babylonian: Sumerian: súr-dŕmušen, mu-tin,mu-u-timušen = ka-su-su.” Soden, W. (1965:454). So, what did the hawk or falcon, as the symbol of the first Sumero/Aryan king, their highest god, mean? To the common people, it just meant the
hawk, the falcon. But to those, initiated into the Sumero-Babylonian
Mysteries, it meant: “The great Kush”. His name or title “Large
Head”, or “Great Leader” is in Akkadian ašâredu. Ašâredu(m)
“position of the foremost one, the most high-ranking one, first
place”. "After heaven and earth had been
separated and mankind had been created, after Anucircum, Enlil and
Ereskigal had taken posesssion of heaven, earth and the underworld;
after Enki had set sail for the underworld and the sea ebbed and
flowed in honor of its lord; on this day, a huluppu tree which
had been planted on the banks of the Euphrates and nourished by its
waters was uprooted by the south wind and carried away by the
Euphrates. A goddess who was wandering among the banks seized the
swaying tree and -- at the behest of Anu and Enlil -- brought
it to Inanna's (Venus) garden in Uruk. Inanna (Venus)
tended the tree carefully and lovingly
she hoped to have a throne
and a bed made for herself from its wood. After ten
years, the
tree had matured. But in the meantime, she found to her dismay
that her hopes could not be fulfilled because during that time a
dragon had built its nest at the foot of the tree, the Zu-bird
raising its young in the crown, and the demon Lilith had built her
house in the middle. But Gilgamesh, who had heard of Inanna's plight,
came to her rescue. He took his heavy shield killed the dragon with
his heavy bronze axe, which weighed seven talents and seven minas.
Then the Zu-bird flew into the mountains with its young, while Lilith,
petrified with fear, tore down her house and fled into the
wilderness." 4 rivers have its source in the Mt. Kailash in Tibet, equal to that, what is written in the Hebrew Genesis. All 4 rivers have a special meaning. The first phase is called Pishon, it
means growing, increasing, enlarge. No other tool as symbolism can decipher the hidden meaning of the eternal holy consciousness about the individual joy of men from its sexuality that is shielded in general from most secular noise. The misunderstanding of the tree of life as well as the garden of joy (Hebrew: gan eden) was a violation to all brave humans from the religious teacher from most all religions. As it is taught by the myth of Sumerian ‘garden of joy’ named Tilmun or Dilmun very different effects are be known from it: "The first known account of a paradisial garden appears on a cuneiform tablet from ancient Sumer. Here we learn of the mythical place called Dilmun, a pure, clean, bright place where sickness, violence, and old age do not exist. Dilmun, however, is a paradise for the gods alone and not for human beings, although one learns that Ziusudra (= Utnapishtim, the Sumerian counterpart of Noah) was exceptionally admitted to the divine garden." (An Encyclopedia of Archetypal Symbolism) They have told us for wrong, that we are no gods. Every being is part of god, because this spiritual things have no location and no time; god is not an idea, it is a consciousness, not grasp by the mind. From a Sumerian clay table it is said: 1.Holy is [the place] where you
are; |
volker doormann - 2003.10.04