Haram Symbol

by Volker Doormann

"Allah - surely nothing is hidden from Him in the earth or in the heaven."

Hareem is Arabic for women — plural. Hormah is woman. Hareem is the women of the house. Hormah comes from Arabic haram, holy, sacrosanct, sanctuary. "Most surely the first house appointed for men is the one at Bekka (Mecca), blessed and a guidance for the nations. In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim ..".  The Kuran talks about Bekka (the older name of Mecca) being the first house of worship appointed for mankind. It also addresses this place as Umm ul-Qurâ i.e., Mother of the Settlements. The actual structure of the Kaaba has been demolished and rebuilt several times in the course of its history. 

Edward Gibbon writes about the Kaaba and its existence before the Christian era in his book: "The genuine antiquity of Caaba ascends beyond the Christian era: in describing the coast of the Red sea the Greek historian Diodorus has remarked, between the Thamudites and the Sabeans, a famous temple, whose superior sanctity was revered by
all the Arabians; the linen of silken veil, which is annually renewed by the Turkish emperor, was first offered by the Homerites, who reigned seven hundred years before the time of Mohammad." Diodorus Siculus was a Greek historian of 1st century BC who wrote Bibliotheca Historica, a book describing various parts of the discovered world. The following lines are the English translation of Greek quoted by Gibbon from the book of Diodorus Siculus (Diodorus of Sicily)  describing the 'temple' considered to be the the holiest in the whole of Arabia. 'And a temple has been set-up there, which is very holy and exceedingly revered by all Arabians.'
G E von Grunebaum says: "
Mecca is mentioned by Ptolemy, and the name he gives it allows us to identify it as a South Arabian foundation created around a sanctuary."

The Bible also mentions about the valley of Baca in connection with the pilgrimage. Below is the quote from Psalms 84

"To the chief Musician upon Gittith, A melody  for the sons of
Qorach ('Korah'  => Koran):

How beloved are thy dwelling places, O LORD of hosts!
My soul belongs to end for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh sings out for the living 'El (God).
The bird hath found a home, and the swallow a nest to lay her young, as altar, O LORD of hosts, my King, and my God.
Blessed are they that dwell in a house: they will be still praising thee. celah (pause)

Blessed is the man whose strength is inside his heart; in whose heart are the path.
Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also cover the B@rakah.
They go from strength to strength, to Tsiyown ('parched place') see the gods (elohim). 
LORD God of hosts, hear my prayer: give ear, O God of Jacob. cehla (pause)

See, God our shielder, and look upon the face of the
mashiyach (messias).
The day in courts is better than a thousand. I choose a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the home of wickedness.
The LORD God is sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee."

Shiva lingam pictures with the black Shiva symbol.

There can be recognized some similarities between the Vedic symbol and the Haram symbol in Mecca.

 Yantra symbol from India

 Holy symbol in Mecca with black stone inside

A Vedic tradition in India shows a black stone
on the female symbol inside of four walls with pillars on the corners.   

Old map of Haram in Mecca with black stone in the center surrounding by an open circle


Shiva lingam from India
lingam is Sanskrit and means 'sign', arabic = 'Ayah'

Haram in Mecca



Shiva lingam symbol

Old map of Haram in Mecca



Shiva lingam symbol on a wall in India 











Next to Mecca in Mina also can be found stone pillars in a center of a circle



Shiva symbol India









volker doormann - 2008