GenesisUnd die Erde war wüst und leer, und Finsternis war über der Tiefe; und der Geist Gottes schwebte über den Wassern. Es werde Licht! Und es wurde Licht. .. und Gott schied das Licht von der Finsternis. Und Gott nannte das Licht Tag, und die Finsternis nannte er Nacht. Es werde eine Wölbung mitten in den Wassern, und es sei eine Scheidung zwischen den Wassern und den Wassern! Und Gott nannte die Wölbung Himmel. Es sollen sich die Wasser unterhalb des Himmels an einen Ort sammeln, und es werde das Trockene sichtbar! Und es geschah so. .. Trockene Erde, und die Ansammlung der Wasser nannte er Meere. Es sollen Lichter an der Wölbung des Himmels werden, um zu scheiden zwischen Tag und Nacht, und sie sollen als Lichter an der Wölbung des Himmels dienen, ... das größere Licht zur Beherrschung des Tages und das kleinere Licht zur Beherrschung der Nacht und die Sterne. Und Gott setzte sie an die Wölbung des Himmels, über die Erde zu leuchten ... den Tag und über die Nacht und zwischen dem Licht und der Finsternis zu scheiden. Und Gott schuf die großen Seeungeheuer .. |
Rig Vedadas Firmament war nicht, nicht wölbte sich des Himmels Dach. Was deckte Alles? schirmte? was verbarg? War es des Wassers bodenloser Schlund? Da war kein Tod, - doch war unsterblich nichts und keine Grenze zwischen Tag und Nacht; Das Eine 'atmet' atemlos in sich, ein Andres war bisher noch nicht im Sein. Und finster war's, und alles erst gehüllt in tiefes Düster - in ein finst'res Meer. Der Keim, von seiner Hülse noch bedeckt, brach durch, in brünst'ger Hitze, als Natur.... The atmosphere was not nor the heavens which are beyond. What was concealed? Where? In whose protection? Was it water? An fathomable abyss? There was neither death nor immortality then. There was not distinction of day or night. That alone breathed windless by its own power. Other than that there was not anything else. Darkness was hidden by darkness in the beginning. All this was an indistinguishable sea. That which becomes, that which was enveloped by the void, that alone was born through the power of heat. Upon that desire arose in the beginning. This was the first discharge of thought. Sages discovered this link of the existent to the nonexistent, having searched in the heart with wisdom. Their line [of vision] was extended across; what was below, what was above? There were impregnators, there were powers: inherent power below, impulses above. Who knows truly? Who here will declare whence it arose, whence this creation? The gods are subsequent to the creation of this. Who, then, knows whence it has come into being? Whence this creation has come into being; whether it was made or not; he in the highest heaven is its surveyor. Surely he knows, or perhaps he knows not. |
EddaIm Anfang war nur Ginnungagap, das gähnende, lautlose Nichts. Da schuf Allvaters Geist das Sein, und es entstand im Süden Muspelheim, das Land der Glut und des Feuers, und im Norden Niflheim, das Land der Nebel, der Kälte und Finsternis. Aus dem Norden, in Niflheim, entsprang ein tosender Quell, aus dem zwölf Ströme hervorbrachen. Die stürzten in den Abgrund, der Norden und Süden trennte, und erstarrten zu Eis. |
der Himmel noch nicht benannt,
Veda na asat
no sat âsît
tadânîm na âsît rajas no
vyomâ paras yat |
Veda The non-existent was not; the existent was not at that time. The atmosphere was not nor the heavens which are beyond. What was concealed? Where? In whose protection? Was it water? An fathomable abyss? There was neither death nor immortality then. There was not distinction of day or night. That alone breathed windless by its own power. Other than that there was not anything else. Darkness was hidden by darkness in the beginning. All this was an indistinguishable sea. That which becomes, that which was enveloped by the void, that alone was born through the power of heat. Upon that desire arose in the beginning. This was the first discharge of thought. Sages discovered this link of the existent to the nonexistent, having searched in the heart with wisdom. Their line [of vision] was extended across; what was below, what was above? There were impregnators, there were powers: inherent power below, impulses above. Who knows truly? Who here will declare whence it arose, whence this creation? The gods are subsequent to the creation of this. Who, then, knows whence it has come into being? Whence this creation has come into being; whether it was made or not; he in the highest heaven is its surveyor. Surely he knows, or perhaps he knows not. |
volker doormann - 2002.06.01